Meral Tosun


Galatasaray University

Department of Mathematics

Ciragan Cad. No.36, 34357 Istanbul, Turkey

Telephone: + 90 212 227 44 80 - 464

e-mail: mtosun|at|

Research Interests
Singularities in algebraic geometry: Resolution and deformations of singularities, Topology of singularities, Classification of singularities,
Lie algebras related with surface singularities. Toric geometry. Tropical geometry.

Research Experience

› DEA mathematics Universite Paris VII, Paris, France. June 1994.

› Ph.D. mathematics Universite d'Aix-Marseille I, Marseille, France. March 1998.

  Advisor: Prof. Le Dũng Trang.

› Part-time research fellowship, Feza Gursey Institute, Istanbul, Turkey.

› Postdoctoral fellowship, The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

› Assistant Professor, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.

› Postdoctoral fellowship, Instituto de Mathematicas UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico.

› Associate Professor, Galatasaray University, Istanbul,Turkey.

› Professor, Galatasaray University, Istanbul,Turkey.

My research works are available at

Google Scholar


Graduate Students

› A.Altintas (MSc, Yıldız Technical University), Geometry of Toric Varieties, (2006).

› E.Bilgin (MSc, Co-advisor, Istanbul Technical University), A Theorem of Katz, (2009).

› G.Cevik (MSc, Co-advisor, Koc University), Resolution of Some Non-isolated Hypersurface Singularities, (2011).

› A.Gunduz (MSc, Co-advisor, Marmara University), Free Divisors and Singularities, (2014).

› B.Otus (MSc, Co-advisor, Koc University), Hypersurfaces in Groebner Fan, (2015).

› E.Balcı, (MSc, Galatasaray University) Sails, Kites and Singularities, (2016).

› B.Karadeniz, (MSc, Galatasaray University), Jet schemes of some surface singularities, (2016).

› B.Karadeniz Sen (PhD, Gebze Technical University), Jet sechemes of non-hypersurfaces singularities, Ongoing.

› O.Turhan (MSc, Galatasaray University), Relative polar curves of rational singularities, Ongoing.

› Dieter Van Den Bleeken (Belgium), (2011). He is now at.

› Richard Gonzales (Peru), (2012). He is now at

› Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos (Greece), (2015). He is now at

› Mehmet Kilic (Turkey), (2019). He is now at

› Can Ozan Oguz (Turkey), Ongoing.

  For more details


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