Ayberk Zeytin
Galatasaray Universitesi
Matematik Bolumu
Ciragan Cad. No.36, Besiktas, 34357
Istanbul / Turkey
Contact Info
You can contact me by mail:
Ayberk Zeytin
Galatasaray Universitesi
Matematik Bolumu
Ciragan Cad., No.36, Besiktas, 34357
Istanbul / Turkey

or by phone(office):
+ 90 212 227 44 80 - 471

or by e-mail through:

ayberkz [the symbol at] gmail [dot] com
azeytin [the symbol at] gsu [dot] edu [dot] tr

Janvier 14, 2015
Résultats de l'EF du Math 371: Sujets Sélectionnés et Math 115: Fondements des Mathematiques est annoncé ici.

December 22, 2014
The fourth of Ankara-Istanbul Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Meetings will take place at IMBM, on 24 January 2015.

Août 26-29, 2014
Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu took place at Yeditepe University.

September 15, 2013
The web-page of TUBITAK Kariyer Grant "Info-Mod(113R017)" and our web-app Sunburst is available here.