Geometry and Arithmetic around Galois Theory8 - 19 June 2009, İstanbul |
Marco Antei: On the fundamental group scheme of a family of curves Lior Bary-Soroker: The Frobenius automorphism and irreducible specializations Niels Borne: Extensions of Galois grps by solvable grps and application to pi1 of curves (minicourse) Anna Cadoret: Descent theory for covers (minicourse) Anna Cadoret: A uniform open image
theorem for $\ell$-adic representations Orlando Cau: TBA Michael Dettweiler: Middle convolution and the Inverse Galois Problem algebras (minicourse) Michael Dettweiler: On the automorphy of hypergeometric local systems Jean-Claude Douai: Hasse Principle and Group Cohomology Arno Fehm: Ample Fields 4 (minicourse) Dieter Geyer: Ample Fields 2 (minicourse) Dan Haran: Ample Fields 3 (minicourse) İlhan İkeda: Higher-dimensional Langlands correspondence (minicourse) Moshe Jarden: Ample Fields 1 (minicourse) Minhyong Kim: Diophantine
geometry and Fundamental groups Sergio Mendes: TBA Danny Neftin: On arithmetic field equivalences and crossed product division Ambrus Pal: The real section conjecture and Smith's fixed point theorem Elad Paran:
Power series over generalized Krull domains Sebastian Petersen: TBA Jérôme Poineau: The Inverse Galois Problem for Convergent Arithmetic Power Series Lorenzo Ramero: Lectures on logarithmic algebraic geometry (minicourse) Seyfi Türkelli: Malle's conjecture and number of points on a Hurwitz space (minicourse) Seyfi Türkelli: Homological Stability of Hurwitz Schemes Zdzislaw Wojtkowiak: Galois actions on fundamental groups and on torsors of paths (minicourse) Andrei Yafaev: Andre-Oort and Manin-Mumford conjectures : a unified approach Some short talks by junior speakers will be scheduled later. Please contact organizors if you wish to give a talk too. |
Last Update:
September 4, 2008 7:11 PM
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