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Alumni 2012

Çiğdem Ak

Çiğdem Ak

E-mail: ak.cigdem@yahoo.com
M.Sc.: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 2013.

Research interests: Systèmes Complexes
Bachelor thesis:: Mécanique Newtonnienne du Point de Vue de la Mécanique Lagrangienne

Esra Arı

Esra Arı

E-mail: ari.esra@yahoo.com.tr

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: Etude et Amelioration de Calcul de l'indice national 100 de la bourse des valeurs mobiliers d'Istanbul.

Yasin Döngelli

Yasin Döngelli

E-mail: yasindongelli@hotmail.com
Job: Yousencff productions - Directeur

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: 3-sphere reconnaissance pour 3-manifolds.

Uğur Hanay

Uğur Hanay

E-mail: dudunist@yahoo.com
Job: Inspecteur adjoint d'une banque privée

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: Arbres Planires Non-Decompasables.

Yusuf İnan

Yusuf İnan

E-mail: iyinan88@hotmail.com

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: Méthodes d'optimisation.

İpek Kaspi

İpek Kaspi

E-mail: ipekkaspi@gmail.com
M.Sc.: King's College London, Financial Mathematics, 2013.

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: Singularités des Hypersurfaces Tropicales.

İrem Kurtcan

İrem Kurtcan

E-mail: iremkurtcan@gmail.com

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: Théorie du Choix Social.

Gizem Özdemir

Gizem Özdemir

E-mail: gizemozdemir@yahoo.com
M.Sc.: İTÜ, Science et ingénierie computationnelles, 2013.

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: Représentation Produit de Multivariance Amélioré.

Elçin Sarıkaya

Elçin Sarıkaya

E-mail: elcin.sarikaya@yahoo.fr
M.Sc.: Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne, 2013.

Research interests: Modeling and Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance
Bachelor thesis:: Equilibre de Nash

Dilan Toplu

Dilan Toplu

E-mail: dilantoplu@yahoo.com
M.Sc.: İstanbul Bilgi University, 2013.

Research interests: Economics
Bachelor thesis:: Les trois Principes de Finance et l'équation de Black-Scholes

Mehmet Uysal

Mehmet Uysal

E-mail: uysalmehmet07@yahoo.fr

Research interests:
Bachelor thesis:: Géométrie Non-Euclidienne

Alumni 2011
(Ils sont les premiers diplômés du département)

Hilal Ergün

Hilal Ergün

E-mail: hilal.ergun [at] ens-cachan.fr
M.Sc.: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris, France.

Research interests: Traitement de l'image, Cryptographie
Bachelor thesis: Classification Des Algèbres de Lie

Why Mathematics Department by Hilal.

İrem Portakal

İrem Portakal

E-mail: irem.portakal [at] ens-lyon.fr
M.Sc: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, 2012.

Research interests: Géométrie algébrique, Combinatoire
Bachelor thesis:: Fonction Zeta Des Graphes

Why Mathematics Department by İrem.

Cansu Tan

E-mail: tan.cansu [at] yahoo.com
Job :KoçSistem Bilgi ve İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş.

Research interests: Finance
Bachelor thesis:: Qu'est-ce Qu'un Young Tableau

Zeynep Topcu

E-mail: zeyneptopcuu [at] yahoo.com
Job: Merck Serono S.A.

Research interests: Marketing
Bachelor thesis:: :Une Brève Introduction à la Géométrie Tropical

Can Ozan Oğuz

E-mail: canozanoguz [at] yahoo.com
M.Sc.: Université de Padova, Padova, Italie, 2011, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France 2012.

Research interests: Théorie de Galois, Géométrie algébrique

Merve Kayıran

E-mail: mervekayiran [at] hotmail.tr
M.Sc: Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Üniversitesi, Paris, France, 2011.

Research interests: L'économie mathématique, Optimisation


28 October 2012 You can now access to magazine Fascicule created by the students of the mathematics department (half in French and half in Turkish). For any question please contact gsufasikul@gmail.com

The other mathematicians graduated from Galatasaray University

  • Taylan Bilal (2009)
    M.Sc: Koç University
    Ph.D.: University of Southern California
  • Mert Tomruk (2010)
    M.Sc: Université de Bordeaux
  • Aslı Yaman (1998)
    Université de Provence

Magazine Fascicule by the students of mathematics department